Tossaporn Saengja

(wrote on 2023-04-07)

I’m leaving this wonderful teaching job on April 28th to look for the next challenge (still finding options!).

Many people have questioned my decision to take this job, but I never have address them properly. I feel that this it the right time for me to do some of them. These are my opinions as a computer science graduate that took a high school teacher as the first job. Hopefully I can provide some insights on the job and make it more attractive for other people!

Before the job



I took many inspirations from others a lot. Below are the people who have big influences on the decision (and my life):

On the job

Teaching (full list at

Teaching experience makes me appreciate the classes much deeper. Teaching teaches me how to learn a lot better. I encourage people to try teaching others (in multiple sittings on a new topic, if possible). Sometimes it feels that I was not a good student, and I regretted one of the best opportunities I have had in education. Maybe that is what life is about. We are all learning life anyway.


Choosing tool is a big part of the job too. With time constraints as the semesters are set, you are always on the clock. Overthinking about the tools and you can’t get the job done. There were many decisions that had to be made to keep the classes going.


Advising students is very enjoyable. My respected professor said that students are the best gifts you will ever have, and I strongly agree. You can see a lot of yourself in the past in them (both goods and mostly bads). It’s also tricky to give advices as you don’t know what’s best for everyone.


Closing thoughts