Tossaporn Saengja back
2020 recap & 2021 resolutions
editor: vim > jupyter notebook > vscode
language: python > c++ > javascript = sql = rust
app: goodnotes > explain everything > libby > feeder
textbook: islr
- blog more
- learn more rust
- refine research topic
? try deep learning/reinforcement learning projects
random reviews
- switched from sublime to vscode to emacs to doom-emacs to eventually vim
- it was fun learning these tools but at the end of the day it all depends
on what workflow fits you the most
- doom-emacs works for a while but i would like to live in terminal rather
than in emacs, it didn't work out at the end
- still thinking that learning vim is a correct choice personally.
"Practical Vim" by Drew Neil is super helpful.
- good scripting language, great for one-time use/fast development, but
present challenges on maintenance
- many libraries are usefuls: ex. numpy, pandas are joy to work with
- more libraries to try: fastapi, diagrams, prettyerrors, scalene
- try to keep everything in plain text s.t. it's easier to work with the
contents ex. ripgrep
- still need to learn more unix tools especially awk
- learning rust is rewarding experience; it slows coding down but it
enforces good practices which sometimes are ignored while coding in python
advent of code:
- randomly found this 25-day puzzle-like problems
- year 2020 seems like a good way to learn a new language with
- trying to be more serious about learning a new speaking language
- chose korean
libby/google podcasts:
- audiobooks are great: (unfinished) sapiens, steve jobs
- podcasts: lex fridman, jj redick
command line:
- hledger
- gitmoji
- fish